Cincinnatus Redux or When in Doubt, Go to a Meta-Level

In 1987, Rafe Blaufarb and I solemnly declared our candidacy for Robert Frost Library Committee (mostly so Rafe could change the VHS lending policy).  

You trusted us with the powers of public office and we fulfilled our oaths with politiké and fidélité (Hamilton House was regaled with endless Godard retrospectives.) 

Then, like Cincinnatus of yore, I retired from public life to tend to my private interests and to contemplate the things “above the heavens and below the earth,” while giving back to my various communities in my own modest fashion.  
Now, duty calls me once again to service to the College and to the Republic (this time without that gaulish provocateur).  

Thus, I humbly request your nomination for write-in Alumnus Trustee.  

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I need 220 nominations by 05-30-18.

Michael Ochoa ’89

Please, forward this.

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