A Simple Proof by Extraordinarily Difficult Means or Syllogisms in the Age of Quine

Definition 1:  #NewOrganon is a model of Truth, T = <D, I>, in which every well-formed formula on this page is a member of D, as well as every well-formed formula Referenced by any member of D, and I is the interpretation function which is given by the members of D.

Definition 2:  #PrometheusProject is a model of hepatogenesis, H = <D, I>, where D = every well-formed formula Referenced by “https://independent.academia.edu/OchoaMichael/Inductive-Science" and I is the interpretation function which is given by the members of D. *

Theorem 1:  Michael Ochoa is the author of #PrometheusProject.

Proof:  By inspection of “https://independent.academia.edu/OchoaMichael/" we can see that #PrometheusProject is a submodel of #NewOrganon, or H T.
Michael Ochoa is undeniable the author of #NewOrganon.  

Therefore, Michael Ochoa is the author of #PrometheusProject.


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